AM/CDN Ch. Justice N Sunhaven Blue Connection
Ch. Sunhaven Talk of the Town X Am.Can.Ch. Justice In Sherwood Forest
Whelped 9-2-2016
Bred by Debra & Mike Allen
Co-owned with Astrid & Steve Lawrence of Sunhaven Cockers
Fyre traveled with Debra and daughter Keri Campbell
to the Cocker Specialty in Chilliwick, BC, Canada.. shown with a few of her ribbons.. in October 2017.
Trooper and Frye
in Canada getting ready for the big Specialty in October 2017.
Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety
over some nice specials for a 5 point major at the WSCSC Specialty March 24th 2017.
Winners Bitch & Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Variety for Fire
and brother Trooper won Best of Variety!..
first show for these puppies 5 point Majors for both
at the Seattle show March 11th 2017.
Trooper and Fire.