Over the Rainbow Bridge
AM/CDN CH. Justice
In Sherwood Forest

AM CH. Oz N' Justice's
U Lite Up My Life

Winners Bitch in Canada.

Looking marvelous after her bath and groom June 2013.
CND CH. Hi-Acre's
Right To Remain Silent
March 2000 ~ January 2015

Miranda, Tazer and Harley having a great time on the boat, 2009.

Best Veteran In Specialty Show at 10 and 1/2 years old at the B.C. Cocker Specialty October 2011.
AM/CND CH. Sherwood
N' K-Line's 4 Justice
January 2005 ~ June 2014

Beautiful head just like his sire Ch. Denali's Christopher Robin.

Loving the boating adventure 2009.

Harley on the grooming table.

I'll steer Dad!
Ch. Dakkov Autumn Snow,
Ch. Dakkov Autumn Vision,
Ch. Dakkov Scarlett Letter

Aspen and Avery winning Best Brace In Show.

Ch. Dakkov Scarlet Letter CGN winning Best Veteran in Specialty Show with Carol Jackson 2004.